How it works

How It Works - The Basics

Make your Comments count!

Menu Dropdown - What is Menu Dropdown?

Here is a list of Features you might see within the Menu Dropdown…

Bonus Code - What is a Bonus Code and how do I get one?

Clear - What is Clear within the Menu dropdown?
Coupons - How do I earn points with a Coupon?

Event Check In - What is an Event Check In and how do I do it?

Links - How do I earn points with a Link?
Listen & Win! (Code) - What is a Listen & Win! (Code) and how do I get one?
Media - How do I earn points with Media?
News - How do I earn points with News?
Surveys - How do I earn points with a Survey?
Trivia - How do I earn points answering a Trivia question?
Watch & Win! (Code) - What is a Watch & Win! (Code) and how do I get one?

Additional Information About the System

What is a Pivot? (Home & MyChannels)
What is a Panel? (AKA Pivot Panel)
What is Home? (Home Pivot Panel)
What is the Home Icon for?
What are MyChannels? (MyChannel Pivot Panel)
What is a Tile Container?
What is a Channel?
How do I Manage My Channels?
What is a Microsite?
What is a Score?
Ways to increase your score...
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